The webinar will serve to highlight new regulatory requirements impacting the real estate industry, real estate financing and valuation, as well as current trends and developments in various European real estate markets. Especially the COVID-19 pandemic has had a greater impact on real estate markets than probably any other event in recent history. Structural changes such as the increase in e-commerce are intensifying, new trends such as working from home are gaining importance and influencing real estate markets. Similar challenges as from the pandemic arise from the limitation of global warming according to the Paris Climate Protection Agreement: Strict requirements are currently being implemented at EU level and in national laws to limit C02 emissions in the building sector.

The webinar is aimed in particular at HypZert certified valuers working in an international context.

Free participation for HypZert valuers. The seminar is recognized with 0.33 days of continuing professional development.

Details about the event and the possibility to register can be found on the website of the vdpPfandbriefAkademie.

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